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  • Foto von Aircraft Engine Components | World Report & Database | 1997-2046 - ResearchAndMarkets.com
    12.05. - 16:07 Uhr

    Aircraft Engine Components | World Report & Database | 1997-2046 - ResearchAndMarkets.com

    DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Aircraft Engine Components World Report & Database" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. The Aircraft Engine Components World Report & Database gives Market Consumption / Products / Services for over 200 countries by each Product by 3 Time series: From 1997-2020 and Forecasts 2021-2028 & 2028-2046. The report is made up of 59 market research chapters. Spreadsheet Chapters include: Market Consumption - in US$ by Country by Product/Service by Year. Market, Financial, Competitive, Market Segmentation, Industry, Critical Parameters, Marketing Costs, Markets, Decision Makers, Performance, Product Launch. The report is made up of the following: World & Country Data Market Databases & Spreadsheets Financial Databases & Spreadsheets Industry Databases & Spreadsheets Data includes Market Consumption by individual Product / Service, Per-Capita Consumption, Marketing Costs & Margins, Product Launch Data, Buyers, End Users & Customer Profile, Consumer Demographics. Historic Balance Sheets, Forecast Financial Data, Industry Profile, National Data. 42 Products/Markets covered. The World Report + Database will contain about 21,000 files, including: 1. World Summary Report (PDF) of about 867 pages 2. World Summary Report (Word Format) of about 867 pages 3. Executive Summary (.htm) about 900 pages 4. Executive Briefing (.htm) about 90 pages 5. Data Pages about 2117 pages 6. Chapters and General (.htm) Pages: about 9,000 pages 7. Reference documents (PDF): 140 8. Templates which can be used to produce internal reports or documents (Word): 160 9. Excel spreadsheet: about 9646 10. 4 Access databases: about 9603 tables 11. Excel templates, Software tools & utilities, and reference documents: 200 documents 12. Maps & Diagrams: 535 PRODUCTS & MARKETS COVERED AIRCRAFT ENGINE COMPONENTS 1. Aircraft engine components 2. Aero-engine starting equipment, airborne 3. Air compressors, aircraft 4. Aircraft turbine starting systems, fuel-air 5. Aircraft turbine starting systems, hydraulic 6. Aircraft turbine starting systems, pneumatic 7. Aircraft turbine starting systems, solid propellant 8. Carburettors, aircraft 9. Compressor stators, gas turbine, aircraft 10. Cylinder liners, aero-engine 11. Engine exhaust systems & manifolds, aircraft 12. Filters, air, oil & fuel, aircraft 13. Fuel systems, aircraft engine 14. Gas turbine components to aircraft specifications 15. Gears & gear units, aircraft 16. Ignition coils, aircraft 17. Ignition distributors, aircraft 18. Ignition units, high energy, aircraft 19. Injectors, fuel, aircraft 20. Insulation blankets, aero-engine 21. Magnetos, aircraft 22. Nacelles, aircraft engine 23. Piston engine components, aircraft 24. Pods, aero-engine 25. Pumps, fuel, for aircraft 26. Pumps, injection, for starting aircraft 27. Reheat (afterburner) installations, aircraft 28. Reverse thrust units, aircraft 29. Silencers, aircraft 30. Spark plugs, aircraft 31. Starter control units & panels, electric, aircraft 32. Starters, electric, for gas turbines, aircraft 33. Starters, electric, for piston engines, aircraft 34. Starters, hand & electric combined, aircraft 35. Synchronisers (synchroscopes), engine & propeller, aircraft 36. Turbine blades/vanes, aircraft 37. Turbine cowlings, aircraft 38. Turbine discs, aircraft 39. Turbine nozzle vanes, aircraft 40. Valves, engine, aircraft 41. Aircraft engine components, NSK 59 MARKET RESEARCH CHAPTERS 1 Administration 2 Advertising 3 Buyers - Commercial Operations 4 Buyers - Competitors 5 Buyers - Major City 6 Buyers - Products 7 Buyers - Trade Cell 8 Competitive Industry Analysis 9 Competitor Analysis 10 Country Focus 11 Distribution 12 Business Decision Scenarios 13 Capital Costs Scenarios 14 Cashflow Option Scenarios 15 Cost Structure Scenarios 16 Historic Industry Balance Sheet 17 Historic Marketing Costs & Margins 18 Investment + Cost Reduction Scenarios 19 Market Climate Scenarios 20 Marketing Costs 21 Marketing Expenditure Scenarios 22 Marketing Margins 23 Strategic Options Scenarios 24 Survival Scenarios 25 Tactical Options Scenarios 26 Geographic Data 27 Industry Norms 28 Major City Market Analysis 29 Capital Access Scenarios 30 Market Cashflow Scenarios 31 Economic Climate Scenarios 32 Market Investment + Costs Scenarios 33 Marketing Expenditure Scenarios 34 Market Risk Scenarios 35 Market Strategic Options 36 Market Survival Options 37 Market Tactical Options 38 Marketing Expenditure -v- Market Share 39 Marketing Strategy Development 40 Markets 41 Operational Analysis 42 Overseas Development 43 Personnel Management 44 Physical Distribution + Customer Handling 45 Pricing 46 Process + Order Handling 47 Product Analysis 48 Product Development 49 Product Marketing Factors 50 Product Mix 51 Product Summary 52 Profit Risk Scenarios 53 Promotional Mix 54 Salesforce Decisions 55 Sales Promotion 56 Surveys 57 Targets - Product + Market 58 Technology 59 Trade Cell Analysis. SPREADSHEET CHAPTERS 1. PRODUCT CONSUMPTION - in US$ by Country by Product/Service by Year: From 2007, Forecast to 2028 & 2046. Market, Financial, Competitive, Market Segmentation, Industry, Critical Parameters, Marketing Costs, Markets, Decision Makers, Performance, Product Launch. 2. WORLD, REGIONAL & NATIONAL REPORT MARKET DATABASE & SPREADSHEETS: 1332 World Database tables & Spreadsheets covering business scenarios. 1435 World Database tables & Spreadsheets covering Markets, Market Forecast, Financial Forecast, Financial Margins, Historic Financial, Historic Costs, Industry Norms for each country. National Database tables & Spreadsheets covering business scenarios. 3. FINANCIAL SPREADSHEETS & DATABASES: 188 Balance Sheet, Financial Margins & Ratios for each of 103 Business Scenarios - by Country by Year - From 2007, Forecast to 2028 & 2046. 4. INDUSTRY SPREADSHEETS & DATABASES: 820 Database tables & Spreadsheets covering Historic Industry Balance Sheet Data, Forecast Industry Financial Data, Industry Profiles & Norms - by Country by Year - From 2007, Forecast to 2028 & 2046. 5. NATIONAL DATA - by Country by Year. The report and database is supplied as a Zip file containing the reports and databases. Readers can access & reproduce the information for their own documents or reports. Tables & databases as Access & Excel formats enable readers to produce their own spreadsheet calculations and modelling. 42 Products covered for over 200 Countries: 2117 pages, 9646 spreadsheets, 9603 database tables, 535 diagrams & maps. This database is updated monthly. 12 months Full After-Sales Services & Updates available from the publishers. For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/oo2uzs » Mehr auf businesswire.com

  • Foto von APIC announces antibiotic stewardship advocacy agenda as part of 
      White House ‘Antibiotic Stewardship Forum’
    02.06. - 13:52 Uhr

    APIC announces antibiotic stewardship advocacy agenda as part of White House ‘Antibiotic Stewardship Forum’

    WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) issued the following statement in advance of today’s White House Antibiotic Stewardship Forum. APIC President Mary Lou Manning, PhD, CRNP, CIC, FAAN, FNAP, will represent the organization at the forum. APIC is proud to join more than 150 major food companies, retailers, and human and animal health stakeholders at the White House Forum on Antibiotic Stewardship to discuss strategies to slow the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, detect resistant strains, preserve the efficacy of our existing antibiotics, and prevent the spread of resistant infections. We support the President’s efforts to promote antibiotic stewardship. APIC believes that the U.S. must do more to protect the 2 million Americans who develop infections from antibiotic-resistant bacteria each year and the 23,000 who will die as a result. More than half of all hospitalized patients will get an antibiotic at some point during their hospital stay, but studies have shown that 30 to 50 percent of antibiotics prescribed in hospitals are unnecessary or incorrect, contributing to the problem of antibiotic resistance. In conjunction with today’s White House event and in support of APIC’s patient safety mission, APIC shared its new advocacy agenda to promote antibiotic stewardship. As part of the new advocacy agenda, APIC outlined the role of its members, infection preventionists, and how they benefit stewardship programs. APIC’s 15,000 members work with health professionals from varied backgrounds and care settings to teach and promote infection prevention, patient safety, and healthcare quality improvement. APIC members work with their colleagues to identify and report trends and outbreaks from antibiotic-resistant infections; support efforts to improve antibiotic prescribing and stewardship; and implement interventions to guide the delivery of evidence-based practices to prevent infections. APIC has promoted a number of efforts to support antibiotic stewardship including clinician education and training, consumer education, and public policy initiatives. APIC organized a coalition of stakeholders to increase resources for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Healthcare Safety Network and urged its members to send a letter to Congress supporting funding for healthcare-associated infection and antibiotic resistance prevention programs, which would be able to provide real-time data on antibiotic use. APIC also educates consumers through the “Infection Prevention and You” campaign initiative, which highlights resources and information on antibiotic resistance. Successful efforts to combat antibiotic resistant bacteria must recognize the collective responsibility to protect the effectiveness of all antibiotics – those we have today, and those yet to be developed; recognize the potential for these life-saving drugs to be overused in both the human and agricultural sectors; and recognize that there are challenges on both the demand side and the supply side of the equation. Antibiotic resistance is an urgent health concern that demands the full attention of healthcare professionals, policy makers, and the public. It is vitally important that we act now to preserve antibiotics for the patients of today and for future generations. ABOUT APIC APIC’s mission is to create a safer world through prevention of infection. The association’s more than 15,000 members direct infection prevention programs that save lives and improve the bottom line for hospitals and other healthcare facilities. APIC advances its mission through patient safety, implementation science, competencies and certification, advocacy, and data standardization. Visit APIC online at www.apic.org. Follow APIC on Twitter: http://twitter.com/apic and Facebook: www.facebook.com/APICInfectionPreventionandYou. For information on what patients and families can do, visit APIC’s Infection Prevention and You website at www.apic.org/infectionpreventionandyou. » Mehr auf businesswire.com

  • Foto von Apex Introduces AnyWhere™ Secure Self-Serve Solutions for Restaurants
    15.05. - 15:55 Uhr

    Apex Introduces AnyWhere™ Secure Self-Serve Solutions for Restaurants

    CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apex Supply Chain Technologies will introduce AnyWhere Secure Self-Serve Solutions for today’s on-the-go restaurant customer at the National Restaurant Association show in Chicago May 16-19. AnyWhere solutions with the Apex Pay mobile app and Trajectory™ Cloud perfectly suit restaurants seeking to enhance their relationships with today’s on-the-go customers as well as improving front- and back-of-house efficiencies for their staff. “Apex AnyWhere systems allow restaurants to make it even faster for customers to place an online order, skip the register, pick up their order from a stylish, sleek and secure locker and even pay with virtually no waiting,” said Apex CEO Kent Savage. “Customers will appreciate the automated convenience and time-savings, and use the service again and again.” Apex AnyWhere solutions are ideal for full serve, quick serve and fast casual restaurants. They are purpose-built to accommodate virtually any type of food or drink, both hot and cold. Restaurant staff can load from the rear, while customers pick up from the front, resulting in significant workflow efficiency. The Apex Trajectory Cloud is the smarts behind the device, and serves as a single, secure, unified transaction platform, providing real-time service and delivery performance data. It also integrates easily with retailers’ existing systems to provide or enhance analytics and insights into buying behaviors, trends and loyalty preferences. AnyWhere Secure Self-Serve Solutions will enable a wide range of scenarios to make to-go orders work across multiple channels. For example, a customer may use a smart phone to place a coffee order on their way to work. The drink is prepared and placed into a temperature-controlled, Apex smart locker system. When the customer arrives, they can skip the line, grab the drink from the locker, and be on their way. Or a customer may order several dinner entrees from a full service restaurant and click to indicate a time to pick up the food. The kitchen staff prepares the food and loads it into the locker. The customer can then pick up the purchase from the heated Apex smart locker system. AnyWhere is the newest breakthrough innovation from Apex Supply Chain Technologies, already a leader in real-time, automated vending solutions technology. Apex manages millions of secure transactions each week for more than 15,000 companies throughout the world. Apex AnyWhere solutions are on display this week in booth 9603 at the National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago. About Apex Supply Chain Technologies: Mason, Ohio-based Apex Supply Chain Technologies is a global leader in automated dispensing systems for applications in retail, professional, service and industrial settings. CEO and founder Kent Savage is widely recognized as an international expert on automated dispensing and technology solutions and a visionary for innovative applications of the technology. Apex has managed more than one billion automated vending transactions and serves thousands of global clients, including more than 300 Fortune 1000 companies. For more information visit www.apexsupplychain.com/retail or call +1 (800) 229-7912. » Mehr auf businesswire.com


Alle Kennzahlen
In 2020 hat H.I.S. CO. LTD 0,27 Dividende ausgeschüttet. Die letzte Dividende wurde im Januar 2020 gezahlt.


Im letzten Quartal hatte H.I.S. CO. LTD einen Umsatz von 471,38 Mio und ein Nettoeinkommen von 55,52k
(EUR) Juli 2024
Umsatz 471,38 Mio 20,82%
Bruttoeinkommen 153,14 Mio 16,93%
Nettoeinkommen 55,52k 101,05%
EBITDA 15,40 Mio 527,51%


Metrik Wert
770,18 Mio
Anzahl Aktien
74,72 Mio
52 Wochen-Hoch/Tief
12,42 - 9,24
Dividenden Nein
KGV (PE Ratio)
KGWV (PEG Ratio)
KBV (PB Ratio)
KUV (PS Ratio)


H.I.S. Co., Ltd. bietet weltweit Reisebürodienstleistungen an. Das Unternehmen bietet sportbezogene Reisen wie Ski- und Tauchreisen, einfache bis luxuriöse Kreuzfahrten, begleitete Reisen, Flitterwochen und Hochzeiten an Bord sowie lokale Reisedienste in Australien, Bali, Guam, Thailand und Südkorea. Außerdem betreibt das Unternehmen Hotels und Themenparks sowie Bustouren, die Tokio und die Umgebung mit Kansai und Nagoya verbinden. Darüber hinaus bietet das Unternehmen Geschäftsreisen und verschiedene Touren sowie Reiseversicherungsprodukte für Übersee an. Darüber hinaus betreibt das Unternehmen den Roboter Hapi-robo st, erzeugt und liefert Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien, bietet Hoteleinrichtungen, Gästezimmer, Möbel und elektronische Geräte für Büros und Häuser, organisiert und verwaltet Veranstaltungen, koordiniert den Medientourismus in Japan und bietet Direktvertriebsunterstützung. Darüber hinaus bietet das Unternehmen eine Reihe von Diplom- und Zertifikatsprogrammen in den Bereichen Wirtschaft, internationaler Handel, Gastgewerbe, Informationstechnologie und Gesundheitswesen sowie Kommunikationsgeräte und -dienstleistungen an. Es betreibt Smrt English, eine Plattform zum Erlernen der englischen Sprache, und GREEN OCEAN, eine Arbeitsvermittlungsagentur, die sich auf die Bereiche Landwirtschaft und Unterkunft konzentriert. Das Unternehmen war früher unter dem Namen International Tours Co., Ltd. bekannt und änderte 1990 seinen Namen in H.I.S. Co., Ltd. H.I.S. Co., Ltd. wurde 1980 gegründet und hat seinen Hauptsitz in Tokio, Japan.

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