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NAVYA : Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité contracté avec Natixis ODDO BHF
VILLEURBANNE, France--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regulatory News: NAVYA (Paris:NAVYA) (FR0013018041- NAVYA), un leader des systèmes de mobilité autonome, annonce le bilan semestriel de son contrat de liquidité avec Natixis Oddo BHF au 30 juin 2022. Au titre du contrat de liquidité confié par la société NAVYA à Natixis Oddo BHF, à la date du 30 juin 2022, les ressources suivantes figuraient au compte de liquidité : 111 225 titres 79 255,9 Euros en espèces Il est rappelé qu’à la date de signature du contrat, les ressources suivantes figuraient au compte de liquidité : 0 Titre 400 000 Euros en espèces Sur la période du 1er janvier 2022 au 30 juin 2022 ont été exécutées : 677 transactions à l’achat 690 transactions à la vente Sur cette même période, les volumes échangés ont représenté : 732 637 titres et 1 150 273 Euros à l’achat 759 207 titres et 1 218 766 Euros à la vente A propos de NAVYA Créée en 2014, NAVYA est un leader français spécialisé dans la fourniture de systèmes de mobilité autonome et de services associés, Avec 280 collaborateurs en France (Paris et Lyon), aux États-Unis (Michigan) et à Singapour, NAVYA ambitionne d’être l’acteur de référence des systèmes de mobilité autonome de niveau 4 pour le transport de passagers et de biens, Depuis 2015, NAVYA a été la première société à mettre en service des solutions de mobilité autonome, La navette Autonom® Shuttle, principal axe de développement, est dédiée au transport de passagers, Depuis son lancement, plus de 180 exemplaires ont été commercialisés dans 23 pays au 31 décembre 2020, Le Tracteur Autonom® Tract est quant à lui destiné au transport de biens, Engagée dans une démarche RSE ambitieuse, la Société mène une politique active en la matière comme l’illustre l’obtention de la certification ISO 9001 en septembre 2021, Les groupes Valeo et Keolis font partie des actionnaires historiques de NAVYA, NAVYA est cotée sur le marché réglementé d’Euronext à Paris (code ISIN : FR0013018041 - Navya), Pour plus d’informations : Annexe premier semestre 2022 ACHATS VENTES Date Nombre de transactions achats Dont nombre de titres achat Pour un montant de Nombre de transactions vente Dont nombre de titres vente Pour un montant de Total 677 732 637 1 150 272,8 690 759 207 1 218 765,5 03/01/2022 3 3371 6937,52 10 7113 14923,07 04/01/2022 11 6742 14394,17 8 4742 10171,59 05/01/2022 0 0 0 19 9484 20371,63 06/01/2022 9 7113 14889,88 1 850 1819 07/01/2022 10 4742 9721,1 2 2371 4955,39 10/01/2022 4 4742 9602,55 2 2371 4860,55 11/01/2022 0 0 0 7 4742 9566,99 12/01/2022 0 0 0 8 3826 7861,54 13/01/2022 17 4742 9602,55 1 1372 2812,6 14/01/2022 4 4742 9358,34 0 0 0 17/01/2022 7 6324 12070,87 0 0 0 18/01/2022 2 3160 5996,15 17 23597 46607,45 19/01/2022 4 4742 8701,57 16 16855 32031,24 20/01/2022 1 2371 4410,06 0 0 0 21/01/2022 2 4742 8654,15 0 0 0 24/01/2022 11 7113 12554,45 2 3371 6000,38 25/01/2022 6 4742 8227,37 3 6286 11101,63 26/01/2022 0 0 0 6 10113 17697,75 27/01/2022 1 2371 4149,25 7 9263 16740,53 28/01/2022 3 4742 8322,21 6 16855 31013,2 31/01/2022 0 0 0 6 3371 6101,51 01/02/2022 0 0 0 16 16855 31013,2 02/02/2022 8 7113 12827,11 0 0 0 03/02/2022 7 2371 4172,96 4 6742 12101,89 04/02/2022 9 7113 12566,3 0 0 0 07/02/2022 4 2371 4101,83 0 0 0 08/02/2022 4 2371 4101,83 5 6742 11899,63 09/02/2022 0 0 0 6 3371 5899,25 10/02/2022 7 2371 4101,83 1 3371 5899,25 11/02/2022 7 2371 4101,83 0 0 0 14/02/2022 9 4742 8087,48 7 10113 17697,75 15/02/2022 0 0 0 2 3371 6000,38 16/02/2022 3 2371 4196,67 8 6742 12304,15 17/02/2022 6 7113 12561,56 1 3371 6000,38 18/02/2022 3 2897 5085,31 0 0 0 21/02/2022 5 2845 4921,85 4 6742 11865,92 22/02/2022 4 6742 11458,03 6 6742 11609,72 23/02/2022 0 0 0 4 3371 5959,93 24/02/2022 18 13484 21911,5 0 0 0 25/02/2022 2 3371 5326,18 5 7607 12577,5 28/02/2022 0 0 0 1 2506 4210,08 01/03/2022 1 2775 4551 0 0 0 02/03/2022 20 7338 11977,01 1 3371 5595,86 03/03/2022 12 9086 14947,92 5 10113 17185,36 04/03/2022 11 7769 12862,83 15 20226 35496,63 07/03/2022 35 30339 46829,93 2 3371 5292,47 08/03/2022 12 16855 21742,95 0 0 0 09/03/2022 0 0 0 23 30339 42980,25 10/03/2022 10 6742 11360,27 21 23597 41901,53 11/03/2022 0 0 0 2 6742 11899,63 14/03/2022 1 453 797,28 14 16855 31889,66 15/03/2022 7 6742 13719,97 12 13484 28538,89 16/03/2022 13 23597 45913,02 3 6742 14549,24 17/03/2022 6 13484 25855,57 7 6742 13281,74 18/03/2022 13 10742 19690,09 2 3371 6371,19 21/03/2022 1 5371 10258,61 4 6742 13248,03 22/03/2022 5 10742 19980,12 0 0 0 23/03/2022 5 15592 28119,31 4 2311 4254,25 24/03/2022 4 5439 9593,48 2 3371 6034,09 25/03/2022 2 5372 9454,73 1 1 1,77 28/03/2022 10 10743 18263,14 1 1 1,74 29/03/2022 1 1 1,73 13 6743 11837,31 30/03/2022 2 5371 9136,07 4 3371 5865,54 31/03/2022 5 5371 9184,41 7 3371 5865,54 01/04/2022 8 16113 27069,84 5 10113 17293,23 04/04/2022 16 17630 29572,89 3 3371 5730,7 05/04/2022 0 0 0 2 3371 5629,57 06/04/2022 13 19967 32462,16 4 3371 5629,57 07/04/2022 0 0 0 10 6742 11158,01 08/04/2022 12 10742 17563,17 7 6742 11171,49 11/04/2022 3 9433 15100,92 0 0 0 12/04/2022 2 1309 2086,55 10 13484 22113,76 13/04/2022 6 5371 8808,44 0 0 0 14/04/2022 0 0 0 26 16855 28822,05 19/04/2022 7 6090 10277,72 8 10113 17394,36 20/04/2022 4 5371 9334,8 2 3371 5899,25 21/04/2022 11 10742 18368,82 0 0 0 22/04/2022 8 10742 18239,92 2 6742 11629,95 25/04/2022 10 10023 16577,28 3 3371 5636,31 26/04/2022 7 21484 34696,66 6 6742 10949,01 27/04/2022 6 4872 7501,76 15 12801 20156,32 28/04/2022 6 7501 11799,07 14 8317 13220,86 29/04/2022 0 0 0 5 6797 10686,75 02/05/2022 24 12500 19150 1 2500 3850 03/05/2022 1 1 1,54 7 6743 10485,35 04/05/2022 2 2501 3776,5 5 5001 7651,5 05/05/2022 1 1 1,56 6 5000 7850 06/05/2022 8 7501 11446,56 1 1 1,56 09/05/2022 4 5000 7450 0 0 0 10/05/2022 3 5000 7400 4 4431 6701,41 11/05/2022 6 8292 12091,72 0 0 0 12/05/2022 7 6708 9052,54 4 6742 9202,83 13/05/2022 4 2421 3292,56 11 8371 11686,82 16/05/2022 2 807 1097,52 8 5000 6875 17/05/2022 2 1614 2203,11 4 5871 8144,4 18/05/2022 12 4842 6544,77 3 1093 1519,12 19/05/2022 3 807 1073,31 9 10940 14982,51 20/05/2022 3 1807 2547,87 8 11956 17148,93 23/05/2022 1 1 1,48 12 10001 14871,48 24/05/2022 2 1808 2639,68 12 10114 15373,22 25/05/2022 5 2006 2922,86 6 2501 3801,5 26/05/2022 2 3614 5437,26 4 7500 11497,5 27/05/2022 1 1807 2692,43 5 2500 3750 30/05/2022 1 1807 2782,78 8 7500 11577,5 31/05/2022 4 5422 8082,43 10 5001 7501,53 01/06/2022 1 1807 2710,5 9 5000 7947,5 02/06/2022 2 1807 2692,43 0 0 0 03/06/2022 1 1 1,51 3 3501 5299,01 06/06/2022 1 1 1,5 3 3501 5361,5 07/06/2022 2 1808 2693,95 1 1 1,52 08/06/2022 5 5223 7613,45 0 0 0 09/06/2022 3 10263 14440,04 8 8343 11958,3 10/06/2022 4 10263 14026,1 5 2781 3893,4 13/06/2022 20 13684 18056,04 0 0 0 14/06/2022 8 13684 16930,53 3 5562 7008,12 15/06/2022 6 8116 9808,89 6 11943 14631,03 16/06/2022 9 26094 26593,97 4 2781 3420,63 17/06/2022 1 1 0,88 28 28421 25637 20/06/2022 5 6842 6123,59 0 0 0 21/06/2022 6 13684 12286,52 9 16686 15223,19 22/06/2022 2 6842 5952,54 1 1719 1512,72 23/06/2022 3 3421 2942,06 3 4567 4041,43 24/06/2022 1 3421 3044,69 9 13519 12454,67 27/06/2022 8 15684 13462,98 5 6781 6268,52 28/06/2022 3 3421 2873,64 3 6597 5597,8 29/06/2022 2 6842 5514,65 3 3781 3100,42 30/06/2022 0 0 0 3 7562 6049,6» Mehr auf businesswire.com
2019 NAB Show Exhibitor Profiles: EditShare to Moonlighting
LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The 2019 NAB Show runs April 6 - 11, 2019 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Business Wire is the official news distribution partner for the NAB Show. Listed below are exhibitor profiles from EditShare to Moonlighting. On the Terrestrial Broadcasting, the company supplies solutions for Radio/TV Broadcasting that meet the professional market needs globally. The portfolio of products and services includes transmitters, re-transmitters and gap fillers, as well as engineering works combined with turnkey projects and the supply of ancillary equipment, when required. On the satellite field, the product lines focus to provide the market with low cost solutions for the delivery of high value satellite services, like IoT, or M2M. Etere was established in 1987. It is amongst the worldwide leaders in Media Asset Management (MAM) and channel-in-a-box software solutions. Etere Media Enterprise Resource Planning (MERP) framework of scalable solutions are used by media enterprises across the end-to-end workflow. Etere MERP modular software including MAM, Airsales, Ad Insertion, Playout Automation, Broadcast Management System, HSM Archive, Newsroom Computer System (NRCS), Broadcast Management System, Broadcast video over IP, Censorship, Closed Captioning and Subtitle Management are built with an innovative architecture, offering the best flexibility and reliability in the market. Etere headquarters is in Singapore and it provides worldwide 24/7 support. FilmConvert enables you to add film color and grain to your video in a few simple clicks. With 19 film stocks to choose from and support for the widest range of cameras from mirrorless and DSLRs up to digital cinema cameras, you can achieve beautiful, cinematic-looking results even under the tightest deadline. Frame.io is your hub for all things video. The leader in video review and collaboration, Frame.io is where video professionals across the entire spectrum—from freelance to enterprise—come to review, approve and deliver video. Frame.io is all about what happens before distribution. We make getting there faster, smoother and more efficient with a single platform that works seamlessly across web and mobile. Company: Glensound Electronics Ltd Booth: N5015 Web: www.glensound.com With annual sales exceeding $5 million, we are at the forefront of innovative design and manufacture of quality audio broadcast equipment. We specialise in Network Audio, announcers’ and communication equipment, and with distribution across the globe, our products are available and supported worldwide. Our products are designed and manufactured in our own UK factories, in Maidstone, Kent, ensuring complete quality control from first design to finished product. These qualities make Glensound market leaders in the field. At Glensound, our passion for broadcast audio is as strong today as it was when we started out 52 years ago. GLOOKAST products are widely used by some of the most prestigious media conglomerates in the USA, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Israel, UK, Spain, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Greece, India, Dubai and China. Whether you're laying down tracks, editing video or backing up precious photos... On the road with a mobile drive or in the studio with a lightning fast RAID... You can trust Glyph when storage matters most. Hitachi Kokusai Electric Co, Ltd. is highly regarded for the outstanding quality, reliability and price/performance value of its innovative camera solutions for the broadcast and professional video production markets. At the 2019 NAB Show, the company will unveil the SK-HD1800 camera, which combines advanced CMOS imaging with a motorized filter wheel for remote operation to deliver spectacular image quality for mobile and event-based productions even in venues with challenging LED lighting and displays. The company will also showcase updates for two compact box camera models, adding HDR support to the DK-H200 while further enhancing the visual quality of the DK-Z50. IDenTV’s suite of over 30+ Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Computer Vision, Automated Speech Recognition, Machine Translation and Natural Language processing engines provide unparalleled automation, optimization and big data analytics for data-driven decision making that had been unattainable in the past. Imagine Products develops innovative video workflow solutions that help film and media professionals back up, view, share, transcode, and archive their video assets. The theme at their booth this year will be “new” and “flexible.” They’ll be showing off ShotPut Pro 2019 with an iPhone app and MHL reports, the new comparison application TrueCheck, their Imagine Cloud that carries the tag line connecting your workflow and partnerships with Codex and Frame.io integration. Recently Imagine Products released a new website, activation system and license options like rentals. Workflows around the world will become more efficient and streamlined with these new tools. With more than thirty years in the industry, International Supplies has introduced many unique and innovative brands and products to the market. We feature CAMLAST Premium Power Solutions: Professional Gold Mount and V-Mount batteries, including for RED, chargers, adapters, plates and connecting cables; EXPLORER Cases, the finest molded, customizable protective cases on the planet for cameras, lenses, and other sensitive equipment, including lighting, sliders, tripods and stands. EXPLORER Cases are built stronger to last longer. They are To HELL and Back TOUGH! And easyCover is the unique protective cover system for all major DSLRs and mirrorless cameras and lenses. We have fifteen years of experience in design and manufacture of video cameras. Our R&D team consist of Doctors, Masters and senior engineers majored in AI tracking, video analysis, HD, IP technology. iSmart Video has been awarded as National Hi-tech Enterprise; we are ISO9001 certified. Ittiam – the trusted solutions provider in the field of online media creation, consumption and visual analytics – will showcase its advanced video processing products powered by ML at NAB 2019. Top in the list are its fastest AV1 encoder with gains over HEVC, and its ML driven CAE solution – THINKode. Ittiam will also demonstrate the first of its kind transcoding solution running on AWS A1 instances powered by ARM cores, and low latency HEVC for video collaboration. With Ittiam’s solutions, you will be well positioned to maximize your investments in video and deliver awesome customer experience. More @ https://www.ittiam.com/nab-2019/ Kron Technologies is the maker of the industry disrupting Chronos 1.4 high speed camera. Chronos 1.4 is a purpose-designed, professional high-speed camera in the palm of your hand. With a 1.4 gigapixel-per-second throughput, you can capture stunning high-speed video at up to 1280x1024 resolution. Frame rate ranges from 1,057fps at full resolution, up to 38,500fps at minimum resolution. Our presence has been felt from our home country in Canada, from the USA, to the far reaches of Europe and Asia. We aim to provide the most cost effective high speed imaging solutions to every corner of the world. Our easy to use interface and autonomous design make the Chronos line great for debugging and videography. The Chronos is great for sports and wildlife capture with trigger settings allowing you to capture just the right moment in time. Please see our website for more details on the Chronos line of high speed cameras. Venus Optics have been focusing on making high quality ultra-wide angle and macro lenses for different systems and have recently launched several unique Cine glasses including the Laowa 24mm f/14 Macro Probe lens and also the Laowa OOOM 25-100 Cine Zoom lens. Pioneering portable LED lighting technology for on-location professionals, the innovative Stella platform transforms lighting setup and utility. From illuminating spontaneous action with a single handheld light to 3-point designs that can be set up in mere minutes, Stella by Light & Motion is the choice for compact, portable lighting. Now in its 40th year, Logitek designs and manufactures advanced, affordable AoIP audio routers and consoles for Radio and TV. Logitek has always focused on high density I/O in its audio routing products, offering a large number of analog and digital inputs and outputs in a minimum of rack space. In addition to AoIP operation, Logitek now offers AES67 and Dante I/O. Logitek consoles offer touchscreen control of all router functions and provide full broadcast functionality including up to 24 mix-minus busses, scene selects, profanity delays and frame delay. Logitek is based in Houston, Texas. Mediapro is a world leading audiovisual group with 56 offices across four continents. Established as one of the leaders in sports rights distribution, with exclusive global TV rights of some of the most important competitions of national teams and clubs, Mediapro has produced over 50 films and its programs have been broadcast worldwide. Mediapro has produced over 50 films and its programs have been broadcast worldwide. Innovation is one of Mediapro’s staples, using the latest technology in sports production, film, broadcasting, design, playout, post-production services to fulfill the most ambitious projects. Channel Origination, OTT/Streaming, breaking news are also part of the services that Mediapro has been providing its customers for 25 years. Qualified press and analysts please note the following important information. Exhibitor News: http://www.tradeshownews.com/events/2019-nab-show/ Press Information: https://www.nabshow.com/for-press About Business Wire: Business Wire, a Berkshire Hathaway company, is the global leader in press release distribution and regulatory disclosure. Investor relations, public relations, public policy and marketing professionals rely on Business Wire to accurately distribute market-moving news and multimedia, host online newsrooms and IR websites, build content marketing platforms, generate social engagements and provide audience analysis that improves interaction with specified target markets. Founded in 1961, Business Wire is a trusted source for news organizations, journalists, investment professionals and regulatory authorities, delivering news directly into editorial systems and leading online news sources via its multi-patented NX Network. Business Wire has 29 offices worldwide to securely meet the varying needs of communications professionals and news consumers. Learn more at services.BusinessWire.com and Tempo, the Business Wire resource for industry trends; follow updates on Twitter: @businesswire or on Facebook. Click here to subscribe to Mobile Alerts for Business Wire.» Mehr auf businesswire.com
Maxon to Exhibit at 2019 NAB Show
FRIEDRICHSDORF, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Press Kit Materials are Available at: http://www.tradeshownews.com/events/2019-nab-show/MaxonNABShow2019/ http://www.maxon.net https://www.facebook.com/maxon3d https://twitter.com/maxon3d http://www.youtube.com/user/MaxonC4D http://www.linkedin.com/company/791366 About Maxon Maxon returns as an exhibitor to NAB to showcase its flagship professional 3D software solution, Cinema 4D, and the power and versatility the technology delivers to next-generation content creators. Throughout the show, a stellar lineup of 3D guest artists will share techniques, behind the scenes content and valuable insights to illustrate the capabilities in Cinema 4D that have inspired the creation of some of today’s most celebrated film, broadcast, multimedia and visualization projects. Check www.C4DLive.com for details on artist presenters and live streaming schedules.» Mehr auf businesswire.com
Historische Dividenden
Alle Dividenden KennzahlenUnternehmenszahlen
(EUR) | Juni 2024 | |
Umsatz | 75,25 Mio | - |
Bruttoeinkommen | 19,74 Mio | - |
Nettoeinkommen | −1,64 Mio | - |
EBITDA | 13,48 Mio | - |
Metrik | Wert |
Marktkapitalisierung | 2,22 Mrd€ |
Anzahl Aktien | 94,99 Mio |
52 Wochen-Hoch/Tief | 32,99€ - 10,87€ |
Dividendenrendite | 0,49% |
Dividenden TTM | 0,12€ |
Beta | 0,47 |
KGV (PE Ratio) | −14,20 |
KGWV (PEG Ratio) | 6,84 |
KBV (PB Ratio) | 4,47 |
KUV (PS Ratio) | 6,68 |
Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. produziert und vertreibt weltweit Präzisionssteuerungsgeräte und -komponenten. Das Unternehmen bietet Drehzahlminderer, Drehantriebe, Linearantriebe, AC-Servomotoren und andere Mechatronikprodukte sowie HarmonicDrive, einen Drehzahlminderer für den Weltraum. Das Unternehmen bietet außerdem hochpräzise Planetengetriebe unter den Marken AccuDrive und Harmonic Planetary, optische Galvano-Spiegel-Scanner unter der Marke BEAM SERVO und inkrementelle Drehgeber unter dem Namen Harmonicsyn an. Die Produkte des Unternehmens werden in Industrierobotern, Halbleiterfertigungsanlagen und anderen Systemen eingesetzt. Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. wurde 1970 gegründet und hat seinen Hauptsitz in Tokio, Japan.
CEO | Akira Maruyama |
Sitz | Tokyo, Japan |
Website | |
Börsengang | |
Mitarbeiter | 1.349 |
Ticker Symbole
Börse | Symbol |
Japan Exchange Group | 6324.T |
Pnk | HSYDF |
Frankfurt | K3R.F |
Düsseldorf | K3R.DU |
München | K3R.MU |
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