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Credit Suisse (ADR)

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Das durchschnittliche Kursziel der Analysten beträgt +11,44(+1.312,35%). Der Median liegt bei +11,44(+1.312,35%).



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  • Foto von How Credit Suisse evolved until its merger with UBS

    How Credit Suisse evolved until its merger with UBS

    Following is a timeline outlining the 168-year history of Credit Suisse Group, the Zurich-based bank that was formally absorbed on Friday by Swiss rival UBS after a 3 billion franc takeover last year.» Mehr auf

  • Foto von Goldman (GS) Plans to Expand Private Equity Credit Lines

    Goldman (GS) Plans to Expand Private Equity Credit Lines

    The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (GS Quick QuoteGS - Free Report) plans to ramp up its lending services to private equity and asset managers, per Reuters. The bank also intends to expand internationally, filling the gaps created by the problems at regional banks and the recent sale of Credit Suisse.The private equity market has a strong potential to grow as private equity deals are expected to rise, driven by record-high fundraising. These loans are classified as short-term, typically secured by the assets of the borrowing firms and hence have a lesser risk attached to them. Hence, GS’ focus on the private equity market is a strategic fit.Asset-secured lending will allow GS to expand its financing business in fixed income, currency and commodities (FICC) and equities space. The move is in line with the company’s key focus on enhancing the stability of revenue generation in its global banking and markets divisions.In the past to seven years, Goldman's deposit base experienced tremendous growth. The bank is actively seeking to align its asset growth with this expansion. In 2023, GS took over a loan portfolio worth $15 billion from the failed Signature bank. This portfolio included loans to private equity firms and venture capital funds, which is a crucial part of its client base. These loans help manage a smooth flow of working capital for the bank, also known as capital call facilities or subscription line loans. Once Goldman strengthened its operations in the United States, the bank plans to expand its lending into Europe, the U.K. and Asia. They have already added staff in its Dallas and Bangalore offices to handle these loans.Markedly, Goldman decided to refocus on its core strengths of IB and trading operations while scaling back its consumer banking footprint and hence undertook a major business restructuring initiative. In first-quarter 2024, the company completed the sale of GreenSky, its home-improvement lending platform, to a consortium of investors. In second-half 2023, it sold its Personal Financial Management unit to Creative Planning. These are in line with its decision to focus on and grow core businesses where it showcased encouraging results given its strong leadership position, wide scale of operations and exceptional talent.In the past six months, the company’s shares have rallied 39.6% compared with the industry’s growth of 35.8%.Image Source: Zacks Investment ResearchGS currently sports a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy). Apart from GS, major banks like JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM Quick QuoteJPM - Free Report) and The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (PNC Quick QuotePNC - Free Report) are also increasing their participation in the market worth $800 billion to $1 trillion. Also, JPM stepped up its lending functions after it acquired First Republic Bank in 2023. Similarly, in October 2023, PNC acquired loan commitments from Signature Bank worth approximately $16 billion. These efforts to further grow its loan balances are expected to offer support to the banks’ financials in the long run. Zacks Names "Single Best Pick to Double" From thousands of stocks, 5 Zacks experts each have chosen their favorite to skyrocket +100% or more in months to come. From those 5, Director of Research Sheraz Mian hand-picks one to have the most explosive upside of all. It’s a little-known chemical company that’s up 65% over last year, yet still dirt cheap. With unrelenting demand, soaring 2022 earnings estimates, and $1.5 billion for repurchasing shares, retail investors could jump in at any time. This company could rival or surpass other recent Zacks’ Stocks Set to Double like Boston Beer Company which shot up +143.0% in little more than 9 months and NVIDIA which boomed +175.9% in one year.Free: See Our Top Stock and 4 Runners Up >>» Mehr auf

  • Foto von Swiss plans to make banks safer after Credit Suisse collapse

    Swiss plans to make banks safer after Credit Suisse collapse

    Switzerland put forward on Wednesday proposals for UBS and three other systemically relevant banks aimed at protecting the country from a repeat of last year's Credit Suisse collapse.» Mehr auf


Alle Kennzahlen
In 2022 hat Credit Suisse (ADR) +0,048 Dividende ausgeschüttet. Die letzte Dividende wurde im Juni 2022 gezahlt.


Im letzten Jahr hatte Credit Suisse (ADR) einen Umsatz von +13,87 Mrd und ein Nettoeinkommen von 7,37 Mrd
Umsatz+13,87 Mrd10,02%
Bruttoeinkommen+13,87 Mrd10,02%
Nettoeinkommen7,37 Mrd369,72%
EBITDA+3,70 Mrd39,07%


+3,33 Mrd
Anzahl Aktien
3,95 Mrd
52 Wochen-Hoch/Tief
+5,80 - +0,78
KGV (PE Ratio)
KGWV (PEG Ratio)
KBV (PB Ratio)
KUV (PS Ratio)


Die Credit Suisse Group AG erbringt zusammen mit ihren Tochtergesellschaften verschiedene Finanzdienstleistungen in der Schweiz, in Europa, im Nahen Osten, in Afrika, in Nord- und Südamerika sowie im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum. Das Unternehmen bietet Wealth-Management-Lösungen an, darunter Anlageberatung und diskretionäre Vermögensverwaltung, Risikomanagement-Lösungen wie verwaltete Anlageprodukte sowie Vermögensplanung, Nachfolgeplanung und Treuhanddienstleistungen. Darüber hinaus bietet das Unternehmen Finanzierungs- und Kreditlösungen an, darunter Verbraucherkredite, Immobilienhypotheken, Schiffs- und Flugzeugfinanzierungen für UHNWI, Standard- und strukturierte Absicherungslösungen, Lombardkredite sowie Dienstleistungen im Bereich des Sicherheitenhandels und Investmentbanking, wie z. B. globale Wertpapierverkäufe, -handel und -ausführung, Kapitalbeschaffung und Beratung. Darüber hinaus bietet das Unternehmen Banklösungen wie Zahlungsverkehr, Konten, Debit- und Kreditkarten und Produktbündel, Vermögensverwaltungsprodukte, Aktien- und Anleiheemissionen und Beratungsdienste, Cash-Aktien, Aktienderivate und Wandelanleihen sowie Prime Services und festverzinsliche Produkte wie Kredit-, Verbriefungs-, Makro-, Schwellenländer-, Finanzierungs-, strukturierte Kredit- und andere Produkte. Darüber hinaus bietet das Unternehmen HOLT, ein Rahmenwerk für die Bewertung der Leistung von etwa 20.000 Unternehmen, sowie Research-Dienstleistungen für Aktien und festverzinsliche Wertpapiere. Das Unternehmen betreut private und institutionelle Kunden, sehr vermögende Privatpersonen, vermögende Privatpersonen und vermögende Privatkunden, Firmenkunden, kleine und mittlere Unternehmen, externe Vermögensverwalter, Finanzinstitute und Rohstoffhändler sowie Pensionsfonds, Hedgefonds, Regierungen, Stiftungen, Unternehmen, Unternehmer, Privatpersonen, Finanzsponsoren und staatliche Kunden. Zum 31. Dezember 2021 verfügte das Unternehmen über ein Netz von 311 Büros und Zweigstellen. Das Unternehmen wurde 1856 gegründet und hat seinen Sitz in Zürich, Schweiz.

Credit Suisse (ADR)
Dr. Ulrich Korner

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