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  • Foto von Ontrak Announces Receipt of Notice from Nasdaq Regarding Non-Compliance of its 9.50% Series A Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock with Minimum Bid Price Requirement
    14.04. - 20:05 Uhr

    Ontrak Announces Receipt of Notice from Nasdaq Regarding Non-Compliance of its 9.50% Series A Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock with Minimum Bid Price Requirement

    HENDERSON, Nev.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--On April 13, 2023, Ontrak, Inc. (the “Company”) received a letter (the “Notice”) from The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq”) indicating that the Company no longer meets the minimum bid price requirement set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5555(a)(1) (the “Minimum Bid Price Requirement”) because the closing bid price for the Company’s 9.50% Series A Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock (the “Preferred Stock”) was less than $1.00 for the previous 30 consecutive business days. The Notice has no immediate effect on the listing of the Company’s Preferred Stock on The Nasdaq Global Market. Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5810(c)(3)(A), the Company has a 180-calendar day grace period, or until October 10, 2023 (the “Compliance Date”), to regain compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement. The Minimum Bid Price Requirement will be met if the Company’s Preferred Stock has a minimum closing bid price of at least $1.00 per share for a minimum of 10 consecutive business days during the 180-calendar day grace period, unless Nasdaq exercises its discretion to extend such 10-day period. If the Company does not regain compliance by the Compliance Date, the Company may be eligible for an additional 180-calendar day compliance period, subject to satisfying the conditions in the applicable Nasdaq Listing Rules. The Company is monitoring the closing bid price of its Preferred Stock and will consider options to regain compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement. However, there can be no assurance that the Company will be able to regain compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement. The Series A Preferred Stock trades on NASDAQ Global Market under the symbol “OTRKP.” About Ontrak, Inc. Ontrak, Inc. is a leading AI and telehealth-enabled healthcare company, whose mission is to help improve the health and save the lives of as many people as possible. Ontrak identifies, engages, activates, and provides care pathways to treatment for the most vulnerable members of the behavioral health population who would otherwise fall through the cracks of the healthcare system. We engage individuals with anxiety, depression, substance use disorder and chronic disease through personalized care coaching and customized care pathways that help them receive the treatment and advocacy they need, despite the socio-economic, medical and health system barriers that exacerbate the severity of their comorbid illnesses. The company’s integrated intervention platform uses AI, predictive analytics and digital interfaces combined with dozens of care coach engagements to deliver improved member health, better healthcare system utilization, and durable outcomes and savings to healthcare payors. » Mehr auf businesswire.com

  • Foto von Ontrak Announces Receipt of Notice from Nasdaq Regarding Non-Compliance of its 9.50% Series A Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock with Minimum Bid Price Requirement
    09.12. - 21:05 Uhr

    Ontrak Announces Receipt of Notice from Nasdaq Regarding Non-Compliance of its 9.50% Series A Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock with Minimum Bid Price Requirement

    HENDERSON, Nev.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(NASDAQ: OTRK) (NASDAQ: OTRKP) – On December 6, 2022, Ontrak, Inc. (the “Company”) received a letter (the “Notice”) from The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq”) indicating that the Company no longer meets the minimum bid price requirement set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5460(a)(3) (the “Minimum Bid Price Requirement”) because the closing bid price for the Company’s 9.50% Series A Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock (the “Preferred Stock”) was less than $1.00 for the previous 30 consecutive business days. The Notice has no immediate effect on the listing of the Preferred Stock on The Nasdaq Global Market. Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5810(c)(3)(A), the Company has a 180-calendar day grace period, or until June 5, 2023 (the “Compliance Date”), to regain compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement. The Minimum Bid Price Requirement will be met if the Preferred Stock has a minimum closing bid price of at least $1.00 per share for a minimum of 10 consecutive business days during the 180-calendar day grace period, unless Nasdaq exercises its discretion to extend such 10-day period. If the Company does not regain compliance by the Compliance Date, the Company may be eligible for an additional 180-calendar day compliance period, subject to satisfying the conditions in the applicable Nasdaq Listing Rules. The Company is monitoring the closing bid price of the Preferred Stock and will consider options to regain compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement. However, there can be no assurance that the Company will be able to regain compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement. The Series A Preferred Stock trades on NASDAQ Global Market under the symbol “OTRKP.” About Ontrak, Inc. Ontrak, Inc. is a leading AI and telehealth-enabled healthcare company, whose mission is to help improve the health and save the lives of as many people as possible. Ontrak identifies, engages, activates, and provides care pathways to treatment for the most vulnerable members of the behavioral health population who would otherwise fall through the cracks of the healthcare system. We engage individuals with anxiety, depression, substance use disorder and chronic disease through personalized care coaching and customized care pathways that help them receive the treatment and advocacy they need, despite the socio-economic, medical and health system barriers that exacerbate the severity of their comorbid illnesses. The company’s integrated intervention platform uses AI, predictive analytics and digital interfaces combined with dozens of care coach engagements to deliver improved member health, better healthcare system utilization, and durable outcomes and savings to healthcare payors. Learn more at www.ontrakhealth.com. » Mehr auf businesswire.com

  • Foto von Ontrak Declares Quarterly Dividend on 9.50% Non-Convertible Series A Preferred Stock
    03.11. - 20:05 Uhr

    Ontrak Declares Quarterly Dividend on 9.50% Non-Convertible Series A Preferred Stock

    SANTA MONICA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ontrak, Inc. (NASDAQ: OTRK) (NASDAQ: OTRKP) (“Ontrak” or the “Company”) today announced that its Board of Directors has declared the fifth quarterly cash dividend for the Company’s 9.50% Series A Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock (the “Series A Preferred Stock”). The fifth quarterly cash dividend equals $0.593750 per share, at 9.50% per annum of liquidation preference of $25.00 per share. The Series A Preferred Stock dividend will be payable on November 30, 2021 to holders of record as of the close of business on November 15, 2021, provided that if any dividend payment date is not a business day, then the dividend that would otherwise have been payable may be paid on the next succeeding business day and no interest, additional dividends or other sums will accrue on the amount so payable for the period from and after the dividend payment date to that next succeeding business day. The Series A Preferred Stock trades on NASDAQ Global Market under the symbol “OTRKP.” For additional information, visit https://www.ontrakhealth.com. About Ontrak, Inc. Ontrak, Inc. (f/k/a Catasys, Inc.) is a leading AI and telehealth-enabled healthcare company, whose mission is to help improve the health and save the lives of as many people as possible. Ontrak identifies, engages, activates and provides care pathways to treatment for the most vulnerable members of the behavioral health population who would otherwise fall through the cracks of the healthcare system. We engage individuals with anxiety, depression, substance use disorder and chronic disease through personalized care coaching and customized care pathways that help them receive the treatment and advocacy they need, despite the socio-economic, medical and health system barriers that exacerbate the severity of their comorbid illnesses. The company’s integrated intervention platform uses AI, predictive analytics and digital interfaces combined with dozens of care coach engagements to deliver improved member health, better healthcare system utilization, and durable outcomes and savings to healthcare payors. Learn more at www.ontrakhealth.com » Mehr auf businesswire.com


Alle Kennzahlen
In 2022 hat ONTRAK 0,53 Dividende ausgeschüttet. Die letzte Dividende wurde im Februar 2022 gezahlt.


Im letzten Quartal hatte ONTRAK einen Umsatz von 2,28 Mio und ein Nettoeinkommen von 9,58 Mio
(EUR) Juni 2024
Umsatz 2,28 Mio 15,80%
Bruttoeinkommen 1,20 Mio 39,25%
Nettoeinkommen 9,58 Mio 54,87%
EBITDA 3,47 Mio 32,18%


Metrik Wert
8,78 Mio
Anzahl Aktien
44,22 Mio
52 Wochen-Hoch/Tief
0,85 - 0,0449
Dividenden Nein
KGV (PE Ratio)
KGWV (PEG Ratio)
KBV (PB Ratio)
KUV (PS Ratio)


Ontrak, Inc. ist ein auf künstlicher Intelligenz basierendes, telemedizinisch unterstütztes und virtualisiertes Gesundheitsunternehmen, das Gesundheitsplänen und anderen Kostenträgern in den Vereinigten Staaten persönliche Dienstleistungen anbietet. Seine technologiegestützte Plattform prognostiziert Menschen, deren chronische Krankheit sich durch eine Verhaltensänderung bessern wird, empfiehlt effektive Versorgungspfade, die die Menschen bereit sind zu befolgen, und führt sie zu und durch die benötigte Versorgung. Das technologiegestützte OnTrak-Programm des Unternehmens bietet Gesundheitslösungen für Mitglieder mit Verhaltensstörungen, die chronische Erkrankungen wie Diabetes, Bluthochdruck, koronare Herzkrankheit, chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung und kongestive Herzinsuffizienz verursachen oder verschlimmern. OnTrak integriert evidenzbasierte psychosoziale und medizinische Interventionen, die persönlich oder über Telemedizin durchgeführt werden, zusammen mit Pflege-Coaching und Pflegekoordinatoren vor Ort, die sich mit den sozialen und umweltbedingten Faktoren der Gesundheit befassen. Das Unternehmen war früher unter dem Namen Catasys, Inc. bekannt und änderte im Juli 2020 seinen Namen in Ontrak, Inc. Das Unternehmen wurde im Jahr 2003 gegründet und hat seinen Hauptsitz in Henderson, Nevada.

Brandon H. LaVerne
Sitz Henderson, nv
Professionelle Dienstleistungen
Mitarbeiter 102

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